Seventh Symposium on General Topology

and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra

was held on August 19–23, 1991 in Prague, Czech Republic. It was organized by the Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences with support from the International Mathematical Union and in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, the Center for Theoretical Studies, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Pedagogical Faculty of the Masaryk University, the Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Comenius University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Šafárik University, the Association of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists and the North Holland Publishing Company.

Organizing committee

The Symposium was attended by 228 mathematicians from 29 countries, including 29 from Czechoslovakia. The scientific programme was prepared by the program committee consisting of M. Hušek (chairman), J. Pelant and P. Simon. It consisted of 41 invited lectures and 121 contributed papers presented in four sections.

In connection with the symposium, the book Recent Progress in General Topology was published by North Holland. 20 invited speakers summarized there most important results of the last decade from their fields.

List of participants

J. Aarts (Delft), K. Alster (Warsaw), A. Andricopoulos (Patras), A.V. Arhangelskii (Moscow), J. Baars (Amsterdam), W. Bajgus (Bialystok), V. H. Baladze (Tbilisi), V. Baláž (Bratislava), B. Balcar (Praha), B. Banaschewski (Hamilton), I. Bandlow (Greifswald), Ch. Bandt (Greifswald), R. Beattie (Sackville), A. Bella (Messina), R. Betti (Torino), A. Błaszczyk (Katowice), R. D. Brandt (Hannover), G. C. Brümmer (Cape Town), Z. Bukovská (Košice), L. Bukovský (Košice), H. P. Butzmann (Mannheim), F. Cagliari (Bologna), M. R. Casali (Modena), Z. Čerin (Zagreb), J. Chaber (Warsaw), M. Charalambous (Nicosia), J. J. Charatonik (Wroclaw), F. Cersi (Trieste), J. Chvalina (Brono), M. M. Clementino (Coimbra), P. Collins (Oxford), W. W. Comfort (Middletown), G. De Paris (Napoli), A. Di Concilio (Salerno), C. Costantini (Milano), J. Czarnowska (Gdansk), S. T. Czuba (Bialystok), R. Daverman (Knoxville), W. Debski (Katowice), G. Di Maio (Napoli), D. Dimovski (Skopje), J. Doboš (Košice), S. Dolecki (Dijon), E. Dontová (Prague), A. Dow (North York), B. Dvalishvili (Tbilisi), E. Eisele (Stuttgart), R. Eklund (Abo), F. van Engelen (Rotterdam), J. Ewert (Slupsk), V. V. Fedorchuk (Moscow), L. Feggos (Patras), R. Fokking (Delft), D. Fremlin (Colchester), R. Frič (Košice), A. Frölicher (Geneve), S. Fuchino (Berlin), S. Fusco (North York), C. Gagliardi (Modena), P. Gartside (Oxford), D. Georgiou (Patras), C. Gilmour (Cape Town), H. Gladdines (Amsterdam), W. Glowczynski (Gdansk), C. Good (Oxford), I. Gorelic (Toronto), M. Grandis (Genova), E. Gregorio (Padova), G. Gruenhage (Auburn), A. Gryzlov (Izhevsk), F. Guenard (Orsay), A. Hajnal (Budapest), R. Hansell (Storrs), K. Hardie (Cape Town), K. P. Hart (Delft), J. Heath (Auburn), R. Heath (Pittsburgh), J. Hejcman (Prague), M. Henriksen (Claremont), H. Herrlich (Bremen), K. H. Hofmann (Darmstadt), U. Höhle (Wuppertal), L. Holá (Bratislava), P. Holický (Prague), P. Hug (Paris), M. Hušek (Prague), S. Iliadis (Patras), J. Isbell (Buffalo), R. Isler (Trieste), G. L. Itzkowitz (Flushing), M. Jelic (Beograd), S. Jiang (Auckland), I. Juhász (Budapest), H. J. Junnila (Helsinki), O. J. Kanerva (Helsinki), Z. Karno (Bialystok), M. Katětov (Prague), F. Katrnoška (Prague), L. Kočinac (Nis), R. Kopperman (New York), M. Korostenski (Johannesburg), W. Kotzé (Grahamstown), V. Koutník (Prague), M. Kovár (Brno), E. Kronheimer (London), A. Kucia (Katowice), W. Kupla (Katowice), H. P. Künzi (Bern), M. Kurilič (Novi Sad), A. Lechicki (Erlangen), D. Leseberg (Braunschweig), S. Levi (Milano), F. E. Linton (Mddletown), J. S. Lipinski (Gdansk), T. Lipski (Slupsk), R. Lucchetti (Milano), P. de Lucia (Napoli), E. Makai (Budapest), J. Mala (Nyiregyhaza), S. Marchilashvili (Tbilisi), W. Marciszewski (Warsaw), S. Mardešic (Zagreb), P. Maritz (Stellenbosch), E. Martin-Peinador (Madrid), D. W. McIntyre (Reading), M. Megrelishvili (Ramat-Gan), J. van Mill (Amsterdam), K. C. Min (Seoul), P. Moody (Oxford), M. Mrševic (Beograd), J. R. Mukhin (Sverdlovsk), J. Nagata (Osaka), Z. Nagy (Budapest), S. A. Naimpally (Ottawa), S. Nedev (Sofia), A. Nowak (Katowice), P. Nyikos (Columbia), V. P. Okhezin (Sverdlovsk), O. Okunev (Tver), A. Okuyama (Kobe), W. Olszewski (Warsaw), A. Orsatti (Padova), B. K. Papadopoulos (Xanthi), A. Pasquale (Torino), J. Pelant (Prague), S. A. Peregudov (Moscow), V. Perminov (Sverdlovsk), V. B. Pilyugina (Leningrad), S. Plewik (Katowice), H. Poppe (Wustrow), H. E. Porst (Bremen), J. Prajs (Opole), A. Pultr (Prague), S. Purisch (Cookeville), E. G. Pytkeev (Sverdlovsk), M. Rabus (North York), G. M. Rassias (Aghia), I. Reclaw (Gdansk), G. M. Reed (Oxford), H. C. Reichel (Vienna), I. L. Reilly (Auckland), J. Reiterman (Prague), D. Remus (Hagen), M. Repický (Košice), T. Retta (Addis Abeba), G. Richter (Bielefeld), Z. Riečanová (Bratislava), J. Rogers (New Orleans), W. Rosicki (Gdansk), J. Rosický (Brno), M. E. Rudin (Madison), S. Salbany (Harare), J. Schröder (Cape own), F. Schwarz (Toledo), D. Shakhmatov (Moscow), J. Sichler (Winnipeg), P. Simon (Prague), O. V. Sipacheva (Moscow), J. Šlapal (Brno), M. B. Smyth (London), J. Snášel (Prague), M. Sobolewski (Warsaw), M. A. Sola (Tripoli), A. Šostak (Riga), L. Soukup (Budapest), J. Steprans (North York), D. M. Stone (Boston), A. H. Stone (Boston), G. Strecker (Manhattan), A. Szaz (debrecen), Z. Szentmiklóssy (Budapest), A. Szymański (Slippery Rock), W. Tholen (North York), M. G. Tkachenko (Tver), S. Todorčević (Beograd), V. Toma (Bratislava), A. Tonolo (Firenze), A. Torre (Pavia), A. Tozzi (L'Aquila), V. Trnková (Prague), A. Trybulec (Bialystok), S. Turek (Katowice), M. Turzański (Katowice), V. V. Uspenskij (Moscow), R. Vainio (Abo), V. Vajner (Cape Town), V. Valov (Sofia), J. E. Vaughan (Greensboro), M. van de Vel (Amsterdam), N. V. Velichko (Sverdlovsk), E. Verheul (Amsterdam), J. J. Vermeulen (Cape Town), P. Vitolo (Milano), P. Vojtáš (Košice), G. Volzone (Napoli), J. de Vries (Amsterdam), S. Watson (North York), H. Weber (Potenza), S. Weck-Schwarz (Toledo), W. Weiss (Toronto), S. Wilard (Edmonton), S. Williams (Buffalo), Y. Yajima (Yokohama), K. Yamada (Osaka), I. Yaschchenko (Moscow), S. Zafiridou (Patras), P. Zakzewski (Berlin), L. G. Zambakhidze (Tbilisi), O. Zindulka (Prague)

List of countries

The table summarizes the number of participants from individual countries.

Czechoslovakia 29
Poland 26
Italy 24
USA 22
Germany (East 4, West 12) 16
Canada 14
South Africa 10
the Netherlands, United Kingdom 9
Hungary, Yugoslavia 8
Greece 7
Finland, Japan 4
France 3
Bulgaria, New Zealand, Switzerland 2
Austria, Cyprus, Etipia, Israel, Korea, Libya, Portugal, Spain, Zimbabwe 1

List of communications

The invited talks are in boldface.

Aarts The geometry of Julia sets
Alster On some results concerning the Lindelöf property in the Cartesian products
Arhangelskii On cleavability of topological spaces over other spaces or classes of spaces
Baars Linear homeomorphisms between function spaces
Bajgus Remark on embedding curves in surfaces
Baladze Fiber shape theories and resolutions
Balcar Universal minimal dynamical systems for discrete semigroups
Banaschewski, Pultr Booleanizations as reflections
Bandlow A construction in topology by means of elementary substructures
Bandt The combinatorial structure of quadratic Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set
Betti Sheaves in cocomplete categories
Błaszczyk Retracts of $\omega^*$
Brümmer Reflective factorization and Doitchinov's completion of quasi-uniform spaces
Čerin Lefschetz movable maps
Chaber All spaces in MOBI4 are developable
Charatonik On generalized homogeneity of locally connected plane continua
Clementino Reflective subcategories defined by separation axioms
Collins Universal maximal P-extensions
Comfort Topologizing a group
di Concilio Uniform continuity on bounded sets and the Attouch-Wets topology
Costantini Relationships between the completeness of $\omega_\mu$- metrizable spaces and a suitable notion of $\mu$-Čech-completeness
Czarnowska Functional connectivity of multivalued maps
Czuba Computers in topology teching
Daverman Classifications of topological manifolds
Di Maio Comparison of hypertopologies
Dimovski One parameter Nielsen fixed point theory
Dolecki Topologization of some convergences of sets and functions
Dow Remarks on basially disconnected spaces
Dvalishvili The (i,j)-I insertion property in bitopology
Eisele On homeomorphisms and incidence relations of compact projective planes
van Engelen Zero-dimensional Borel groups of ambiguous class two
Ewert The topology of semilocal connectedness and s-continuity of multivalued maps
Fedorchuk On dimension of manifolds
Feggos Some families of planar rim-scattered spaces and universality
Fokking The geometry of laminated spaces
Fremlin Spaces of finite length
Frič, Koutník Sequential convergence: iteration, extension, completion, enlargement
Frölicher Differentiation in convenient vector spaces
Gartside Classes of monotonically normal and hereditary paracompact spaces
Gilmour Pseudocompact frames
Gladdines $F_{\sigma\delta}$ absorbers in hyperspaces
Glowczynski The order-sequential topology and mesures on Boolean algebras
Gorelic Large Lindelöf spaces with points $G_\delta$
Grandis On homotopy kernels and cokernels
Gruenhage Recent developments in generalized metric spaces
Gryzlov On matrix points in Stone-Čech compactifications of discrete spaces
Hajnal Partition theorems for the power set
Hansell General analytic spaces
Hart The density of $U(\omega_1)$
Heath Weakly confluent $2$-to-$1$ maps
Heath Stronger forms of monotone normality
Hejcman Boundedness in quasi-uniform spaces
Herrlich Almost reflective subcategories of TOP
Hofmann Topological semigroups
Höhle On the relation between fuzzy topologies and Heyting algebra-valued topologies
Holá The bounded proximal topology on a continuous dual
Holický Čech analytic and almost K-descriptive spaces
Isbell Descriptive locale theory
Itzkowitz Cardinal relations between a $\sigma$-compact LC group $G$ and $\beta G$
Jelic Nearly pT(i)-continuous mappings
Jiang On coS-closed and almost coS-closed topologies
Juhász Convergent sequences in compact spaces
Junnila Covering properties
Kanerva $G$-simple homotopy type and equivariant Hilbert cubes for finite group $G$
Karno On essential mappings onto disks
Katrnoška Remark concerning some rings of continuous functions
Kočinac On splittability
Kopperman Problems in digital topology
Kotzé Fuzzy sobriety
Kovár On some generalizations of regularity-covering properties without separation axioms
Kronheimer Spaces in which the isolated points are dense
Kulpa Some properties of Tychonoff cubes
Künzi Denese sunspaces of quasi-uniform spaces
Kurilic Topological properties of the reduced ideal products
Leseberg Nice properties in generalized convergence spaces
Levi Some lattice properties in hyperspaces
Linton Recent work of Paul Johnson
Lipski Proper and admissble topologies on the space of multivalued maps
Lucchetti New hyperspace topologies and applications
Makai Full embeddings of the categories of topological spaces, proximity spaces and normed linear spaces
Mala Relators generating the same generalized topology
Marchilashvili On the dimension of the completely regular topological space
Marciszewski Borel and projective spaces of continuous spaces $C_p(X)$
Mardešic Approximate inverse systems
Martin-Peinador On Pontryagin duality
McIntyre Calibres and compact-calibres of regular spaces and Moore spaces
Megrelishvili Construction of minimal groups
van Mill $F_{\sigma\delta}$-absorbers
Min Fibrewise theory in topological universes
Moody Acyclic monotone normality
Mrěevic Precompactness and pre-Lindelöfness in quasi-pseudo-metric spaces
Mukhin Compact elements of a subgroup lattice of Abelian topological groups
Nagata A survey of special metrics
Naimpally Characterization of metric and generalized metric spaces by real valued functions
Nedev Extensions and collectionwise normal embeddings via selections
Nowak Pointwise limits of Carathéodory functions and related classes of functions
Nyikos Hereditary normality and countable compactness
Okhezin The fixed point property in noncompact polyhedrons and ANR's
Okunev On analyticity in nonmetrizable spaces
Okuyama Note on paracompactness of product spaces
Olszewski There is no universal space for separable metrizable spaces with fixed large transfinite dimension
Peregudov On Noetherian type of topological spaces
Perminov Topology of the distributed processing
Pilyugina Zeta functions in the Nielsen theory and the trace formula for the Nielsen and Reidemeister numbers
Plewik On universally measure zero sets
Poppe A family of graph topologies for function spaces and their weak associated graph topologies
Porst The semiuniform product and topological groups
Prajs On openely homogeneous plane coninua
Purisch A solution to the monotone normality problem
Pytkeev The space of functions of of the first Baire class
Rassias On the monotone union and monotone intersection properties of topological manifolds
Reclaw Restrictions to continuous functions and Boolean algebras
Reed Topology and computer science
Reilly Some properties of fine topology
Remus On Moore groups
Richter Categorical characterization of Comp(2)
Rogers Indecomposable continua, prime ends and Siegel disks
Rosický Structure of categories
Rudin Generalized metric spaces
Salbany Stone-Gelfand duality and Eilenberg-Moore algebras
Schröder URY is not (Epi,M)-category
Schwarz Concrete topological functors between topological constructs
Shakhmatov Compact spaces and their generalizations
Sipacheva Free topological groups of spaces and their subspaces
Smyth Ordered topological spaces and the computational real line
Sobolewski Pseudoarc is not pseudocontractible
Šostak On locally $E(\tau)$-compact spaces
Soukup, Szentmiklóssy On the weakness of Martin's axiom
Steprans Autohomeomorphisms of $\beta {\mathbb N} \setminus {\mathbb N}$.
Strecker Closure operators and connections
Száz The fat and dense sets are more important than the open and closed ones
Szymański Distributivity of Boolean algebras and the Fletcher-Lindgren and McCoy theorem
Tholen, Reiterman Effective descent maps of topological spaces
Tkachenko On properties of R-factorizable groups
Todorčević Compactifications of $\mathbb N$
Tonolo On the existence of the finest equivalent linear topology
Torre The B-topology
Trnková Categorical aspects are useful in topology (after 15 years)
Trybulec Beginnings of computer data base for topology
Turek A note on universal minimal dynamical systems
Turzański Strong sequences
Uspenskij The Maltsev operation and retracts of topological groups
Vainio On the ordered function space $C_c(X)$
Vajner Orthogonality morphism classes, reflective subcategories and the construction of reflective hulls
Valov Manifolds modelled on the direct limit of n-dimensional Menger compacta
Vaughan On Frolík's characterization of class $P$
van de Vel Some topological spects of convexity theory
Velichko The Lindelöf property is preserved by $l$-equivalence
Verheul Weak topology in modular Banach spaces
Vermeulen Some new results on perfect maps of locales
Vojtáš Boolean isomorphism between partial orderings of convergent and divergent series and infinite subsets of $\mathbb N$
de Vries Topological dynamics
Watson Reaping numbers: topology, Boolean algebras and finite combinatorics
Weber Uniform lattices
Weiss Partitioning metric spaces
Williams Structure of compact monotonically normal spaces II
Yajima Normality and orthocompactness in products
Yamada Free Abelian topological groups and K-spaces
Yaschchenko A functional approach to fixed point theorems
Zakrzewski A consistent Kuratowski-Ulam theorem for sets without Baire property
Zambakhidze On some question of the dimension theory of Tychonoff spaces